Ready to join us for an adventure?
How about a ménage à trois?

You come to us, into our waiting arms.

…And then what happens? Do we press together to share a kiss, the three of us melting together in a sensual heap? Do we push you to the bed and flip a coin to decide which of us uses our strap on first?

We’ve been partners in crime for the last 12 years. We live together, love together, and share very, very well. Sharing one another by bringing more passion into the world is thrilling and fulfilling. We make an incredible team, ready to guide you into the perfect threesome.

No need to be intimidated by two beautiful, tattooed women. We are gentle and kind, and wicked and mean. It all depends on you, and what kind of experience you want to manifest with us. Go out on the town with a babe on each arm — go ahead, flaunt us. Or let us take you behind closed doors, and here I write in metaphor and allegory about all of the incredible things we can do together.

We love what we do, and apparently we’re also pretty good company. Whether we’re crammed together at a punk show, struck dumb by Jasper Johns at the PMoA, or you’re guiding us through the menu at your favorite restaurant — we’d love to explore anything with you. 

So what happens next? Send us a message and find out.

Rates in Philly

1 H — 1200

90 m — 1800

2 H — 2400

3 H — 3400

4 H — 4400

6 H — 6400

8 H — 9000

16 H overnight — 10000

+100/H for North Philly incall

Planning for a slumber party? Let's set an alarm if we want room service, or a lazy morning reprisal.
We require at least 7 hours of beauty rest during an overnight date.
Get cuddled up between us, or if you prefer, we can spoon each other in an adjoining bed.

    Any 24 hours — 16,666
For when you just can't get enough. Believe me, we understand.

    Each additional day — 7,777

Rates for NYC, DC, & Beyond Philly

1 H — 1400

90 m — 1800

2 H — 2400

3 H — 3400

4 H — 4400

6 H — 6400

8 H — 9000

16 H overnight — 10000

We are thrilled to be your companions through the spectrum of sexuality.

Charli and Margeaux's profile